Sunday 10 March 2013

Being Second!

Is being second a better option?

  • Second rank in school
  • Second position in industry
  • Second best to your husband/wife after your kid
  • and so many 'second's...
There are so many advantages in being second. You always want to improve, either move to first or lessen the gap to being first. There are the elements of strategy, politics, tactics in the second position, compared to any other positions. 

Contrary to the old school of thought, 'Be Number One' and 'Be the Leader', everybody wants to be the 'SECOND' nowadays. In this position, you enjoy all the benefits, similar to the first position, leaving out the troubles of the first position (constantly under watch, pressure to maintain the first position, ...)

1 comment:

Viji said...

I second your thoughts ;)