Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Shruti - 3 years

Children become more naughtier each passing year, and also learn new things. Parents also learn a lot during the child's learning process. Shruti has now crossed 3 years.

Language differentiation:
She is able to tell some of the words in whatever language (currently 4 - English, Tamil, Bengali, Hindi) we ask. Children can learn lot of languages at this age!

Count Numbers:
She can count numbers, chocolates, pictures from 1 to 20. She has attained perfection in this. She can show the numbers using her fingers. She was trying with her fingers earlier and was difficult to maintain the particular set of fingers and now she can manage. Very cute! and you would want to ask her to show more numbers with her fingers.

Thorough on her capital letters. Not so good with the small letters. Learning.

Household work:
She wants to help me in all the household work, whether it is cooking or cleaning. Yesterday she tried rolling a chapathi and actually did pretty well. But it doesn't stop till that. Playing more with that, and finally brought it back to the original ball shape :-(. She wants to do everything, clean the floor, clean vegetables, dry clothes. Hope she maintains this interest when she grows big so that I can share my work.

Memory Games:
I started playing games with cards, in identifying similar pairs when I was in second or third standard. I have seen my mother teaching Shruti the games with cards in identifying the pairs, when the cards are turned upside down. I didn't know she understood the concept. There is a similar game in laptop - purble place. Two days back, noticed that she could easily complete the beginner level on her own (5x5). She is yet to try the intermediate and the expert level. She can also easily navigate using the laptop touch pad.

Looks like i didn't learn much when I was three??!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so cute and awesome!!! Hope she soon joins TCS along with me.. :-)